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Xi's Focus Governance
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· Full text of China's Policies on Asia-Pacific Security Cooperation
· A Shared Commitment to Practical Cooperation and Peaceful Development
· SCIO Briefing on 7th Plenary Session of 18th CCDI
· China's Space Activities in 2016
· Beijing Proposal -- In Commemoration of the 30th Anniversary of the UN Declaration on the Right to Development
· Join Hands to Fulfill Centenary Dreams and Strive for New Progress in Cooperation
· Build A New Bridge of China-Ecuador Friendship and Cooperation
· China's Progress in Poverty Reduction and Human Rights
· An Excerpt From President Xi Jinping's Opening Speech at the G20 Hangzhou Summit
· An Excerpt From President Xi Jinping's Speech at the Opening Ceremony of the B20 Summit
· Highlights of General Secretary Xi Jinping's Speech Marking the CPC's 95th Founding Anniversary
· New Progress in the Judicial Protection of Human Rights in China
· Joint Press Release between the People's Republic of China and Canada
· Remarks by Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi on the Award of the So-called Arbitral Tribunal in the South China Sea Arbitration
· Statement of the Chinese Government on China's Territorial Sovereignty and Maritime Rights and Interests in the South China Sea
· Statement of Chinese Foreign Ministry on the Award of 12 July 2016 of the Arbitral Tribunal in the South China Sea Arbitration
· Full Text of Dai Bingguo's Speech at China-U.S. Dialogue on South China Sea Between Chinese and U.S. Think Tanks
· An Interpretation of China's Overseas NGO Management Law
· Full Text of Li Keqiang's Speech at Summer Davos Opening Ceremony
· A Glorious New Chapter in China-Uzbekistan Friendship
· China's BeiDou Navigation Satellite System
· Enduring Friendship and True Partnership
· Human Rights Record of the United States in 2015
· Time to Renew and Energize China-Czech Ties
· Full Text of Report on the Work of the Government
· Highlights of Chinese Government Work Report for 2016
· Full Text of White Paper on Nuclear Emergency Response
· Xi Jinping's Signed Article on Iranian Newspaper
· Xi Jinping's Signed Article on Egyptian Newspaper
· Xi Jinping's Signed Article on Saudi Newspaper
· Xi Jinping's Address at AIIB Inauguration Ceremony
· China's Arab Policy Paper
· UK-China Statement on Syria
· Xi Jinping's Speech at the Opening Ceremony of the Paris Climate Change Conference
· Xi Jinping's Speech on China-U.S. Relations in Seattle
· Gender Equality and Women's Development in China
· China's Position Paper on UN's 70th Anniversary
· Successful Practice of Regional Ethnic Autonomy in Tibet
· Progress in China's Human Rights in 2014
· Tibet's Path of Development Is Driven by an Irresistible Historical Tide
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Inventing the future
By Lan Xinzhen
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A trade war's hidden battles
By Liang Xiao
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