Xi's Focus
Xi's Focus: Xi Jinping on global trade and development
  ·  2024-06-13  ·   Source: Web Exclusive

Chinese President Xi Jinping delivered a video speech at the opening ceremony of the celebration for the 60th anniversary of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) on June 12. He pointed out that over the past 60 years since its founding, in light of its mission to achieve prosperity for all, UNCTAD has vigorously advanced South-South cooperation, advocated North-South dialogue, promoted a new international economic order, and made important contributions to global trade and development. Edited excerpts of President Xi's speeches on this topic since 2021 follow:


Excerpt from Xi's video speech at the opening ceremony of the celebration for the 60th anniversary of UNCTAD on June 12, 2024


Excerpt from Xi's video speech at the opening ceremony of the celebration for the 60th anniversary of UNCTAD on June 12, 2024


Excerpt from Xi's video speech at the opening ceremony of the celebration for the 60th anniversary of UNCTAD on June 12, 2024


Excerpt from Xi's video speech at the opening ceremony of the celebration for the 60th anniversary of UNCTAD on June 12, 2024


Excerpt from Xi's video speech at the opening ceremony of the celebration for the 60th anniversary of UNCTAD on June 12, 2024


Excerpt from Xi's speech at the Conference Marking the 50th Anniversary of the Restoration of the Lawful Seat of the People's Republic of China in the United Nations on October 25, 2021


Sources: Xi Jinping: The Governance of China (IV), Xinhua News Agency and Mofcom.gov.cn

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