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COAS pledges all out support for CPEC project
  ·  2024-06-24  ·   Source: The Daily Mail, Pakistan

Chinese Minister of the International Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, Liu Jianchao, met with Chief of Army Staff (COAS) General Syed Asim Munir at the General Headquarters (GHQ) on June 21. 

During their meeting, they discussed various matters of mutual interest, focusing on regional peace and stability. They also reviewed the progress of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), according to Inter-Services Public Relations. 

COAS reaffirmed Pakistan's unwavering commitment to its strategic partnership with China, pledging full support for implementing CPEC, a key project under China's Belt and Road Initiative. 

Liu mentioned that his visit to Pakistan follows the successful meetings between the leaderships of both countries in China. 

He emphasized the significance of the longstanding brotherly relations between the two nations and expressed satisfaction with the progress on CPEC, reiterating China's commitment to its timely completion. 

The Chinese minister also praised Pakistan's efforts in maintaining regional peace and stability. He acknowledged the support of armed forces in ensuring the security of Chinese nationals and projects within Pakistan.

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