XIAOHONGSHU shines at VOGUE Business Global Beauty Summit
  ·  2024-07-09  ·   Source:

On June 25th, China's leading social media and lifestyle platform, XIAOHONGSHU was invited to the VOGUE Business Global Beauty Summit. At the summit, XIAOHONGSHU joined over 100 beauty brand founders, executives, and industry experts to analyze the latest trends and discuss the future of the beauty industry. The event provided a platform to explore new marketing strategies for the international beauty market, particularly from a Chinese perspective, aiming to guide the industry towards a path of quality-driven development. 

The summit featured Chujing, Head of Personal Care Department at XIAOHONGSHU, alongside over 100 global brand executives and marketing specialists from prestigious international companies such as LVMH Beauty, Kering Beauty, Estée Lauder, L'Oréal, P&G, Unilever, and Coty. Together, they discussed strategies to tap into and leverage local markets in the face of global trends, sparking new inspirations in BPC solutions and driving the global growth of brands.

Themed "Beauty Across Borders: Global Brands, Local Strategies", the summit brought together key industry leaders, including Chujing; Anusha Babbar, Senior Vice President, Health & Wellbeing International at Unilever; and Shana Randhava, Senior Vice President, New Incubation Ventures at Estée Lauder. These executives engaged in a dynamic discussion about the rapidly evolving consumer demands in today's BPC industry. They also explored strategies to help both domestic and international companies maximize their potential in the fast-changing market.

Trends Emerge, Beauty Ascends 

XIAOHONGSHU Spearheads Exploration of New Opportunities in the BPC Industry

As consumer demand for beauty products continues to evolve, many BPC brands are focusing on how to anticipate and capitalize on emerging consumer trends to drive business growth. The 2024 China Beauty Industry White Paper released by XIAOHONGSHU identifies eleven key trends that are shaping the future of the beauty sector. The trends include technology-based skincare, the new focus on skin health, relaxed luxury, the rise of Eastern influences, makeup innovation, emerging product popularity, layered enhancements, cultural revitalization, advanced facial care, upscale beauty solutions, and at-home beauty treatments. The new trends are gaining momentum on XIAOHONGSHU, positioning the platform as a leader in the BPC industry and creating new opportunities for brands.

From Efficient Seeding to Comprehensive Conversion 

XIAOHONGSHU Unveils a Three-Step Approach to Unlocking New Opportunities in the BPC Sector

As a natural seeding ground for brands, XIAOHONGSHU significantly influences users' purchasing decisions. With its unique community ecology and effective seeding capability, the platform enables BPC brands to unlock countless marketing possibilities. To promote quality growth within the BPC industry, XIAOHONGSHU aids brands in optimizing their marketing efforts by providing them with a three-step marketing approach encompassing efficient seeding, brand enhancement, and comprehensive conversion.

During the product seeding phase, brands can quickly and profoundly impact their core audience through XIAOHONGSHU's distinctive Reverse Funnel Audience Expansion. This model facilitates the expansion beyond the initial target demographic, enabling brands to rapidly unleash their potential and effectively manage their audience assets.

With its authentic and diverse content, XIAOHONGSHU has increasingly become a vital platform for user searches. The dedicated brand zone serves as a crucial marketing hub within the search realm, enhancing the conversion of content seeding by facilitating a deep connection between the target audience and the brand. Moreover, XIAOHONGSHU's marketing IP stands out with its relatable topics, refined aesthetics, diverse content, and comprehensive resource support, all of which help brands quickly expand target audience and amplify marketing efforts. In addition, brands can leverage XIAOHONGSHU's three conversion paths—on-site, off-site, and offline—to expedite the purchasing decisions of users and shorten the journey from interest to transaction.

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